Discover the perfect eyeliner styles for your unique eye shape with our expert guide. Whether you have almond, round, monolid, or hooded eyes, we provide tailored eyeliner techniques to accentuate and balance each type. Learn how to choose and apply eyeliner to flatter wide-set, close-set, or small eyes, and more. Elevate your makeup routine with our tips, as featured in 'Make up Your Face', to bring out the best in your eyes.

Eyeliner can dramatically transform the look of various eye shapes, emphasizing their unique beauty. Recognizing that eye shapes can be a combination of different types, it's important to choose eyeliner styles that best suit each individual shape. Here's a guide to eyeliner looks for each eye shape, using different eyeliner products like gel liners and pencils for a range of effects.
Almond Eyes: With visible eyelids and an almond-like shape, almost any eyeliner style suits almond eyes. The eyelid visibility determines the thickness of the eyeliner.
Round Eyes:
To elongate and balance round eyes, where the whites are visible around the iris, a winged eyeliner extending outwards is ideal.
Mono-lid Eyes:
Without a natural crease, mono-lid eyes are a perfect canvas for dramatic cat eyes or graphic liner looks. Thicker eyeliner is recommended, especially if there is a lot of lid space visible.
Deep Set/Sunken Eyes:
For eyes with a prominent brow bone, a thin eyeliner line, focused on the outer corner, works best to avoid making the eyes appear smaller.
Protruding Eyes:
Protruding eyes appear large and are best accentuated with a thick eyeliner line across the entire lid. Avoid shimmery eyeliners as they can overly emphasize this eye shape.
Hooded Eyes:
With a hidden crease when the eyes are open, hooded eyes benefit from thinner eyeliner along the top lash line. A flesh-toned eyeliner on the waterline can open up the eyes.
Upturned Eyes:
For eyes that turn upwards at the outer corners, a straight, thick eyeliner line on the top lid, extending outwards, helps balance the eye shape.
Downturned Eyes:
The opposite of upturned, downturned eyes look best with a thin eyeliner that thickens into a wing at the outer corner, lifting the eyes' appearance.
Wide-Set Eyes:
To draw wide-set eyes closer together, focus eyeliner on the inner corners and opt for a tighter line on the outer edges.Close-Set Eyes: Thin eyeliner towards the inner corner, gradually thickening towards the outer corner, helps create the illusion of wider-set eyes.
Small Eyes:
To make small eyes appear larger, use flesh-toned eyeliner on the waterline. A cat-eye liner starting thin and thickening towards the outer corner enhances the eye size.
Understanding these guidelines for different eye shapes ensures that the chosen eyeliner style enhances and complements the natural eye shape. For more detailed instructions and techniques on eyeliner application for various eye shapes, the book "Make up Your Face" is an invaluable resource, offering an entire chapter on your eye shape with step by step guide to creating your perfect smokey eye suitable for your eye shape and detailed instructions on how to create multiple looks taking your look from day to night .